茂木で発表した。テクノマグCIP TSR ケンタのチームだ。下記がチームのリリース。来年へ向けて残りの全日本を全力で戦う!
Moto3 : Technomag-CIP-TSR presents his rider at MotegiMotegi, 1st October 2011 ? The Japan GP, which took place this weekend at Motegi circuit was the opportunity for the Technomag-CIP-TSR team to present its Moto3’s rider for next year : Kenta Fujii.This young Japanese rider of 17 years old will compete next year on a Moto3 equipped with a Honda engine and a TSR frame.For the CIP, which main activity is to train high-level riders, it is a new adventure starting and it promises to be sensational. Firsts tests have been already booked with the two last races of the Spanish Moto3 Championship (Valencia, 13th of November and Jerez, 20th of November).Alain Bronec, owner of the team : “We are very happy to welcome Kenta in the Technomag-CIP-TSR team. We plan to work with him from November on, doing many full-size tests. We will work with him and improve the bike as well in order to become part of the main protagonists in this brand new category, which promises to be trilling.”
投稿:藤井正和 2011/10/04/ 00:21
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